Based on MSDN article we can use .GetNextResult or .Translate methods to read multiple stored procedures data. Up until recently I used to think they both offer similar performance level. It turned out they are very different.

I’m going to use simple database with only 2 tables: Blogs and Posts and a stored procedure that returns all blogs and all posts at once. Database schema is included in source code archive. I also use .edmx-based Database-first Entity Framework 6.1.3 for tests.


In order to use this approach, you have to modify .edmx file, because automatic generation is not supported and it is theoretically possible to get this changes overwritten next time when you update model based on database schema. To use this approach, you need to invoke stored procedure and then call .GetNextResult to receive every next result. It looks typical to Entity Framework with everything hidden inside edmx and no string literals in code.

using (var db = new BloggingContextEntities())
  // Run the sproc and read blogs from the first result set
  var blogResult = db.GetAllBlogsAndPosts();
  var blogs = blogResult.ToList();

  // Read posts from 2nd result set
  var postsResult = blogResult.GetNextResult<Post>();
  var posts = postsResult.ToList();


In this case we don’t need to modify .edmx file, in fact this approach can be used with code first and DbContext. However, you have to reference string literals in your C# code

using (var db = new BloggingContextEntities())
  // Create a SQL command to execute the sproc
  var cmd = db.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
  cmd.CommandText = "[dbo].[GetAllBlogsAndPosts]";
    // Run the sproc
    var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

    // Read blogs from the first result set
    var blogs = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db).ObjectContext.Translate<EFStoredProcJit.Blog>(reader, "Blogs", MergeOption.AppendOnly);

    // Read posts from 2nd result set
    var posts = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db).ObjectContext.Translate<EFStoredProcJit.Post>(reader, "Posts", MergeOption.AppendOnly);

Performance tests

I used 2 test suites: execute 1000 iterations on completely empty database with no blogs and posts and then do the same on database with 5 blogs, 20 posts each.

Method Execution time, ms
Translate, no records 882
GetNextResult, no records 23255
Translate, 5+100 records 3110
GetNextResult, 5+100 records 32980

Based on results, GetNextResult has high overhead even when there are no real data returned. It turns out that GetNextResult solution does dynamic JIT compilation every time when the method is invoked (Profiler screenshot). In contrast, Translate method do not cause extra compilation and works much faster.


GetNextResult-based solution works slower and requires manual .edmx file manipulations to work successfully. It has an advantage of more compact code and do not use database object names as string literals in code. Overall I decided to switch to Translate solution everywhere when I used GetNextResult.

Test solution source code and database schema can be downloaded here